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SLS High School Programmes offer a life learning experience in Irish primary or secondary schools, staying with a wonderful Irish host family or in a boarding house and ongoing support for the duration of the students stay.
Over the years SLS has built a network of partner schools throughout Ireland. We have developed a personal relationship with each of these schools and their staff. We are continuously growing our network of partner schools, to give students the opportunity of having the best possible and most immersive Irish experience they can have.
We recognise that every student is unique and we are specifically committed to finding the best match for each student. We are dedicated to ensuring that each student reaches their potential both academically and socially by helping them immerse themselves in the local community. SLS High School Programmes provide students with an opportunity to challenge themselves personally and academically, to grow and mature while experiencing the lifestyle and culture of Ireland.
Throughout the year students are provided with ongoing support via their local coordinator. Assistance is provided with the initial arrangements to prepare for the school year and this support carries on for the duration of the student’s stay in Ireland.
The academic year in Ireland runs from the beginning of September to the beginning of June. During this time there are a number of school breaks including October (Halloween), December (Christmas), February (Half-Term) and April (Easter).
At SLS we pride ourselves on the personal service offered to each student in our care, their happiness, wellbeing, and success being our number one priority.

Academic Year
This programme places students in an Irish primary or secondary school. Students can choose to attend a public, private or boarding school and study the subjects set out in the Irish National Curriculum. Students wishing to study in Ireland for the International Baccalaureate can also be facilitated.
Short Stay Immersion
This programme places students in an Irish primary or secondary school for periods of four to twelve weeks. Participants attend school with Irish pupils and study the subjects set out in the Irish National Curriculum. They also take part in extracurricular activities.